4th Munich Earth Skience School

Berghotel Sudelfeld
February 23-28, 2014

What a MESS! ObsPy meets seismic arrays!

Lecturers: Prof. Dr Christine Thomas (University of Münster), Dr. Joachim Wassermann (LMU Munich), Tobias Megies (LMU Munich)

Practical information: Lectures, practicals will be given from 8-11 and after 3pm (open end). Between 11 and 3 (depending on conditions, winter sports facilities can be used, www.sudelfeld.de).More info on the winter sport programme can be found here.

Costs: 410 € (incl. 5 days half pension, conference facilities, tuition, software). Arrival Sunday 23/2 leaving Fri 28/2 (lunch time). Note that the costs do not cover: lunch, drinks during meals, winter  sports facilities. The number of participants is limited to ~30. First come, first serve basis. The area can be reached by train from Munich Airport (terminal station: Bayrischzell).

Logistics: Please make your way to Bayrischzell Station on Sunday 23rd afternoon, unless you come with your own vehicle. From 15:22 (hourly arrival from Munich) onwards we will provide transport to the hotel. Please send us a text message (phone provided in final announcement) when you know your exaxt arrival time. Two VW vans depart from the Department in Munich, Theresienstrasse 41, Parking on the North side of the building, on Sunday at 14:00 and at 16:00. Unless you are on the  list provided in the final announcement please get in touch with heiner.igel@lmu.de.

Tentative schedule:

Morning 8-11

Afternoon 15-18

Sun 23 Feb

Arrival, Icebreaker

Mon 24 Feb

Python Introduction

Python Practical

Tue 25 Feb

ObsPy Introduction

ObsPy Practical

Wed 26 Feb

Array Processing

Free Afternoon

Thu 27 Feb

Array Processing - Practical

Array Processing - Practical

Fri 28 Feb

Array Processing – Further applications

If you have questions please contact heiner.igel@lmu.de.